Hello again, here is this month's Precision Sports Games release update, with five new sets for three games.
Three of them are for Precision Handball - starting with the 2024 men's continental competitions, with the 2024 Men's European Championship available for £4.75, and the 2024 Men's Asian Championship also available for £4.75. And to complete our 2023 releases, the 2023 Men's Club World Cup is out now for £3.
For Precision Street Basketball, the final 2023 regular release, the 2023 Men's Club World Tour Finals set is now out for £3.
And finally, for Precision Volleyball, the 2008 Beijing Olympics set is available with all men's and women's teams for £4.75. This now brings all our Olympic games to the same place, with all titles now having sets for 2008-2020 (2021) at least. As always, you can get the non-coloured set too for the same price.
That brings the releases to a close for February. Further details of the content of each set can be found on the webstore pages.
I will be honest and tell you I wasn't planning on doing the two Club World Cup/Tour sets here, as I didn't remember a wide interest in them when released, but having checked the logs it seems some do, and with time on my side, I have continued with them. So please enjoy if you do. Looking at the logs, it may come as no surprise that Rugby 15s, Rugby 13s, Volleyball and then Down Under Football are the games people have shown most interest in, with Rugby 7s and Field Hockey at the bottom. Which I get for 7s as it is a very basic model with just one rating, but I guess hockey just isn't that popular as a sport, as in my opinion that is a much more involved model.
Also, mentioning Precision Volleyball, although I forgot about it when it started, I am now collecting data for the new American Women's Pro League, and have been for the Men's and Women's European Cup. As people seem to like that game a lot, you can expect these to come out later on, barring any unforeseen circumstance, as usual.
Okay, that will wrap this one up for another month. Hopefully you are well, stay safe, and thanks again for reading and supporting my productions.